Friday, August 11, 2006

What would you do if you lock your flat past midnight without having the keys?

Have you ever wondered what would you do in such a situation? Actually I also never wondered about this before.I went through this ordeal very recently and thought of sharing it. On one Saturday, past midnight after my quota of beer and smoke thought of stretching my legs and watching some movie. When I have too many options and no way to come to the conclusion I just listen to my heart and to decide on the movie I did the same. I played the Notting Hill dvd, my roommate also joined me for the movie.

After the movie was over, we thought of going on a ride to savour the movie and also for a smoke. Then came the painful moment. My roommate locked the flat without taking the keys.Fortunately I had 100 bucks with me and he had the cellphone and bike keys.

We started thinking what to do next, then we thought lets go for the ride first and then we would see. The ride was good, we were back after an hour or so. By now we were sleepy it was 0230 hrs. We started weighing all the options. These are the moments when you realise how crazy one can think. One option was to go to Nandi Hills and be back by morning,but this idea didnt materialize because we were too tired and also had very less cash on us. Another was may be we could wake the landlord and ask for the duplicate key. But they are old people and we thought it would be highly discourteous of us to trouble them at this hour. One other option was to wait outside the flat till morning ,for the landlord to wake up.

None of the options could stand our weariness, we thought somehow we got to find a place to sleep. We called up one of our friends who stays close by, he was awake watching football. We also watched along, had another round of beer at his place.We hardly slept that night.

We left his house in the morning thinking we would find our landlord awake by now.To our dismay they they had left for some place. My god, the ordeal which seemed romantic in the beginning became really unbearable. We were dying to crash on to our beds. We thought of waiting for sometime,but no good happened. Finally we decided to get an ironsmith and get the duplicate key done. Just as we were about to leave for the ironsmith at 1130 hrs, our landlord came back. We were thanking god from the bottom of our hearts.

The ordeal was over but the experience was worth going through. So just think of what you would do if you lock your flat past midnight?


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