Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Why Indians are not enterpreneurial by nature?

I often wonder why Indians are so successful abroad and very few Indians based in India are equally successful? Is it the system that prevents us from breaking the glass ceiling or is it our upbringing and societal make up which instills in us 'Always avoid risks'.

If we delve little deeper we can understand for ourselves that Indians as a breed is a docile type which has never attacked a country in 5000 years of its existence. Our society creates an atmosphere that only by hardwork and perseverance can one reach at the top.I dont reject this philosophy but it prevents inculcation of enterpreneurial spirit. If we look at the West, their societal make up makes the people independent and risk takers at an early age because of the unstability and turbulence in the families.

I am not saying that we should bring the turbulence and unstability of West's family life in India but parents should not mould their kids only in the shape of ' Macaulay's Mould'. Indians have proven their competence abroad, its time we let the enterpreneurial culture being nurtured and take shape.


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