Monday, June 30, 2008

Kashmir - What is @stake?

Kashmir,for the last few weeks has been hogging a lot of limelight for reasons apparent and not so apparent. Immediate provocation came from the allotment of land to 'Amarnath Shrine Board '. The separatist parties raised a lot of hue and cry branding it as govt's conspiracy to settle outsiders in the Kashmir Valley.Claims were made stating 'Kashmiriyat' was at stake because of this land allotment.Eventually the govt revoked the order buckling under the pressure.

It got me thinking what exactly is 'Kashmiriyat'? Is it the unique Muslim-Hindu bonhomie practised in Kashmir? The fundamental question is does this bonhomie exist,otherwise why were 350000 Kashmiri Pandits forced to leave Kashmir Valley?

Recently Santosh Trophy football match was organized in Kashmir, during the match when Punjab shot a goal against J&K, a huge uproar starred ,hurling anti-India slogans and eventually the match was stopped because of security concerns.

It is high time we raise questions on policies related to Kashmir.Has the article 370 served it's purpose? What good our billions of dollars spent in Kashmir is bringing? All the stakeholders including govt should sit together to assess the situation realistically in Kashmir and revise policies accordingly.


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