Thursday, March 16, 2006

Just a thought

I was walking down the approach way of my college.It was a sunny day and I was in very good mood.Last night only we had a debate in our hostel on the 'India Shining' brouhaha.I was strongly in favour of the motion.I was pondering over the whole discussion.

Then I saw a bullock cart approaching me,initially I thought it to be just a goods carrying cart.When I saw what it was carrying I was thought provoked.It was carrying few Pentium 4 computers for the computer lab.

I started thinking what a combination,Pentium 4,the fastest processor on this earth and
that is being tranported on the slowest means of tranportation.The superfast is riding on the slowest,just a co-incidence yet to me it conveyed a strong sense of self-belief.I suddenly had a very positive feeling about the whole thing.

To me the idea of 'India Shining' was really vindicated.We are probably realising how to run things in our way.What is applicable somewhere may not be applicable here.I think once we realise that every place has got its own set of problems and they are to be dealt in a different way.Nothing can stop us.


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