Friday, January 30, 2009

Why Indian media is very urban centric?

I have noticed, Indian media particularly electronic media is becoming very urban centric. I was amazed to see the amount of coverage given to 'Mangalore Pub Brawl' and 'Debate on Pub Culture'. These issues undoubtedly require attention, but not all the attention.We have much bigger issues to focus on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an extremely strange post... you yourself say in the very previous one: "Suddenly it feels I am living in a different country than India". Why should the media not focus on it? We are a democratic country, not Saudi Arabia, Iran, Taliban-Afganistan or even Pakistan or Bangladesh. These incidents are hitting on the very core of the basic philosophy the country is based on. It is good that the media is focusing on this.

The main question you have posed can be answered by a simple retrospection: who are the main consumers of the media, particularly the electronic media?

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I beg to differ here, in my previous post I mentioned about the rising intolerance in India. In this post I am critical of media because it is portraying law and order problems as if there were a national catastrosphe.There are larger issues of intolerance and other things that require more attention of media.

As far as target audience goes,I feel media is socially responsible industry and not just ROE based.So it needs to get over just sensationalist issues.

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But that's the whole point-- it isn't a mere law and order problem, it is an intolerance issue. Lets see people telling you, a guy, what to wear, where to go, what to drink-- or not, and bash you up (after inviting the media there themselves, stupidly enough) if you don't listen to them.
All issues are large, some are larger for you, some are larger for others. Wear a dhoti every day to work for the next month, and perhaps then you might figure out what is the importance of the issue.

You are living in utopia if you think the media is here to do social service. Yes, it has to have social responsibility, like everybody else including you, but at the end of it everyone including the media (unless it is the much-maligned DD) is looking out for themselves. And even leaving that aside, these most certainly aren't mere "sensationalist issues" for a lot of people though these may be for you when you turn a blind eye to your own previous post.

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well the post was written in response to media rhetorical coverage of few incidents. The coverage was giving few people undue attention and creating a scare in the mind of people.My point is give it the required space.Was the rhetorical coverage required?

As far as some one else telling you what to do/what not to, is not a government order. I see it is a social evolution where majority finds itself alienated from the prevailing way of life, so I called it a law and order problem. Guess you have to look from a holistic perspective. No where am I supporting the hooliganism,but I anticipate a discrete response from the civil society.

Do you know how many farmer suicides have happened in last few years? How many famine deaths? Probably not, because media ignores such issues. Thats my point.

5:53 PM  

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