Saturday, May 06, 2006


Have you ever encountered this situation when street dogs chase your vehicle in the midnight if you pass by them speedily? Y'day night at around 0100 hrs I had a sudden urge to have Thums-Up. Bangalore closes by 2330 hrs and u find only call centre/BPO cabs or street dogs after this time.
I was in a fix karu tho kya karu, jau tho kaha jau. Suddenly the thought of going to the Airport came to my mind and I said bingo. Airport is around 1.5 Kms from my place and only place open round the city in East Bangalore. I got on my bike and started towards the Airport. My lane is haunted by street dogs, night is their time of bossing around.I was aware of this and was cautious while crossing the 'dreaded area', but to my dismay two dogs came out of no where and started barking and chasing me. I said holy fuck and sped on the accelerator. Bastards were not ready to give up chased me for 500 mts, let me confess they scared the hell out of me.
After I crossed this nightmare, I was towards the Airport and when I was gulping the so wanted 'Thums-Up' at the Airport, I started thinking 'THE DOGS MUST BE CRAZY' to do something like this. I mean why on earth would they do like something like that without any reason, was I disturbing or hurting them in any way? But this also occured to me that many times when I am walking back to place late in the night they dont chase me.With these thoughts I came to my place though I was a bit scared. Luckily while retuning dogs didnt chase me.
When I came back, I got talking with my flatmate about this and he said even he had faced this chasing fiasco.But he added one new dimension to this incident, while crossing that 'dreaded area' if you are slow the dogs wont chase or bark at you.Isnt that surprising and intriguing? I mean why on earth would they chase you when u r speeding away.
I could conclude nothing but 'THE DOGS MUST BE CRAZY'.


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