Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What you do when it rains???

It is prevalent in Bangalore that when the temp goes high the rain is surely ensuing . So true to its established behaviour it rained intermittently here since afternoon and brought down the soaring mercury.

I was stuck in the office doing not so exciting work and cribbing at my inability to leave the office and enjoy the rain. Thank god, I could leave the office by 1900 hrs and there I was a happy, carefree soul set free to enjoy the rain. Wow!!! the weather was awesome outside and I thought of getting drenched. It has been a long since I got drenched. I got on my bike and started towards my place. On my way, I saw a small park where few kids where getting drenched. Voila, I found the place to get drenched. I cant describe what fun it was, playing with those kids and getting drenched. No amount of money can buy those moments of happiness.

After getting drenched completely, I was on way to my flat. Suddenly felt like having a Cornetto, imagine the chill I got while having the ice cream in drenched state. With all these came an urge to have a smoke, too cooool... I was savouring each moment of the rain with ice cream and smoke.

I wish it rains more often in Bangalore, the routine office life is so boring.... Anyways this was what I did when it rained.. How about u fellas???


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