Thursday, May 29, 2008

What it takes to be a secular in INDIA?

This phenomenon has continuously intrigued me since I have become politically cognizant. Who defines who is secular and who is communal in India? At least for the present I understand that anybody talking for 'a particular minority group' is labeled secular and anybody talking about 'the majority group' is right away branded communal.

I never understood , why in India the majority is forced to think that it is a second class group of people in the country. Politicians go out of way to appease the minority groups, at the cost of majority group and this never let the rift between majority and minority bridge.I doubt this prevails any where in the world.

Any opinions on this?


Blogger Rishabh Makrand said...

There are 4 basic rules(in Sanatan/Hindu mythology) to rule over a person or a community.
"Vibhed" is the 4th one.. Our ruler(s)/politician(s) are not smart enough,that they can use the 1st 3 rules..And also, they have learned this lesson from the British..(you know we are good learners!!!).
Categorizing between "secular"-"communal" is just a mere tool to use the "Vibhed" rule.

Now coming to your question.."why in India the majority is forced to think that it is a second class group of people in the country". The reason which at present I can think off is "feeling secure". We feel that we will get more privilege(pity) and more security if we belong to 2nd class..and even our "borrowed" constitution supports this..and when you live with the rules not made by you,rather they are borrowed from somewhere..dont you think you belong to 2nd class by-default??
I hope, I answered your question..

12:54 PM  
Blogger sandeepmoonka said...


I don't think that the 'majority group in India' deliberately tries to feel like second class citizens to get some sympathy.Its not vis-a-vis the Western world if you mean so.

I mean to say, its more of a political and media setup which tends to brand people secular and communal and that should outrightly.

7:29 PM  
Blogger Rishabh Makrand said...

That outright categorization only named as "Vibhed".
about the "setup", its something which we have given a chance to media or politicians to developed more insecurity among the people..

8:49 PM  

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