Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Emerging pan Indian culture.

What can truly be attributed as Indian way of life? I mean the way of life which is adpoted by majority of Indians.I believe if this question was asked 10-12 years before, it would have been really difficult to answer. But today I can safely say we are seeing a pan Indian culture evolving.

What qualifies as pan Indian culture? Though this is a subjective question, but there are commonalities which could be agreed upon.I believe Bollywood is the biggest contributor to this phenomenon.Bollywood being a pot pourri of possibly all Indian cultures in varying proportions though,is contributing very significantly to this phenomenon. Bollywood has also heavily influenced the lifestyle choices made by people.You go to any part India today, you would find Bollywood songs being crooned in at least some corner.Opening up of the ecomony has been another important factor which is contributing to this phenomenon. A lot of movement of people is happening across the country and this is providing a very good platform for inter-cultural interactions.Also I think television is contributing in a big way towards this.The talent hunt shows on TV are examples of this when we have people from all parts of the country vying for the top slots.

You would find people today in South India equally at ease with Paneer,Naan and Chicken Tikka Masala as with their traditional food.Similarly people in North India equally at ease with Idli and Dosa as with their traditional food. There is a lot of similarity now in the way people dress across India. English and Hindi have emerged as the lingua franca.

So I believe in years to come, we would definitely see more and more convergence and evolution of a rich pan Indian culture.


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