Monday, June 23, 2008

I gave ride to a traffic cop ;)

Couple of days ago,while I was on my way to office,at a junction a traffic cop signaled me to stop.My heart skipped a beat, because my motor insurance had expired a week ago and the day before I had paid fine for jumping traffic signal.The cop asked me, where are you going ,sir? I told him where was I heading. He asked me can I give him a ride till that place. I nodded with an apprehension.

All the while we were on the bike, I was having weird thoughts. Would this guy ask me for bike's papers after he gets down or may be some other thing? Strangely I got reminded of Manoj N.Shyamlan then, having seen his interview few nights ago.I started wondering what would Mr. Shyamlan think in this situation, script of another super natural psycho thriller. The ten minutes ride felt like a very long one ;)

Have you encountered any situation like this?


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