Friday, March 17, 2006

This thought has been intriguing me since many days...

I wonder what is in Azim Premji or Sunil Bharati Mittal that they are billionaires today.It cant be sheer luck or fluke I wonder. It is more to do with having vision about things much ahead of time than most of us. More importantly working on making the vision materialise so that they create a niche for themself.
Sunil Mittal took a big risk of spending huge amounts of money in rolling out the cellular network when the returns were not lucrative.But he had a vision of the market 5-10 years ahead of the time.Premji is one of the starters of IT outsourcing concept in India.When India was still in license raj he took the onus of putting things in place for IT industry.
As they say, "Winners dont do different things, they do the same things differently".


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