Monday, December 11, 2006

What is your favourite past time at the traffic signals?

Its quite an experience observing people at any of the traffic signals. I am lucky to be in Bangalore to have ample of such oppurtunities. The other day I was coming back from office and was stuck at the Manipal Hospital signal, the infamous signal on Bangalore's Airport Road. It is usually ten odd minutes before one could pass this signal. I just decided to observe people to kill time. I didnt know it would be an experience worth writing.

I saw a guy on bike smoking comfortably as if its not going to be green until he finishes his fag. One lady pillion rider was busy checking out other ladies' makeup and stuff. Chauffeur driven car had people working on their laptops. Few fellas chatting or SMSing on their cell phones. Few cows gracing the road as if they dont care about the traffic.

There is also full fledged business thriving at the traffic signals. Madhur Bhandarkar has made a movie called " Traffic Signal" on the life of people involved in doing business at traffic signals.

So what you do @ the traffic signal?


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