Saturday, September 01, 2007

What Chinese think of foreigners?

Coutesy Beijing Man.

- Talkative, expressive, polite, but not truth from their heart
- Americans have good education
- Business wise Americans understand and have scale: very important
- Innovation in their products is recognized
- Chinese trust more American and European products than Japanese products, since Chinese have experienced that Japanese sold their “disqualified” products to China, while good products were sold to Europe and USA
- Chinese don’t trust Americans in a collective way because Americans are believed to want to control China. Americans are believed to have a hidden agenda for benefit of themselves
- Never Trust Americans - attitude still exists
- Their wealth and solid finance is admired

- Have taken their newest technology to China (Japanese never did)
- Chinese respect Germans a lot because of their serious working attitude and good quality products
- Germans are sometimes considered proud; shadow of superior history
- Germans are considered rather honest in business, but stubborn
- Germans and Chinese often speak similar way: "because..., therefore...", but often their logic differs, and conflicts arises
- Germans are known and appreciated about their beer culture

- U.K. is known as advanced country but not advanced in any particular field
- Chinese imagination about British is based on limited information about their movies, monarchs, and old traditions
- Chemistry is un-matching to work with Chinese
- British accent is not very much liked
- Because of English language, U.K. attracts a lot of Chinese students
- Chinese realize that U.K. has a lot of poor quality schools cheating Chinese students, there may be Chinese organizers involved in that
- British are conservative and old fashioned
- Chinese believe British are gentlemen. After Chinese have contacts with British working people, the image of their gentlemaness disappears
- Need "icebreakers" to enable China business

- Very romantic!
- French has culture strength itself and that gives the French ability to understand Chinese culture
- French can adapt to Chinese business environment in good and bad, and are believed to easily catch-up its negative features (bribing?)
- Chinese know that French are not very exact, like f.ex. Germans
- Design and fashion are known strong points
- French and Chinese have common approach against content from USA
- They finally must decide: to learn English or Mandarin, otherwise they might stay hungry even at a Beijing McDonalds:)

- More artificial in behavior
- Japanese don’t trust Chinese
- Japanese keep control in business, no future for Chinese in Japanese companies
- Japanese look down on Chinese, seeing China as market for second quality products
- Japan’s business with China is large because of their large investments
- Japanese are not innovative or creative
- Lack individualism, instead have collectivism
- Chinese recognize that Japanese with serious attitude can do refined products and results
- Japanese are workaholics, with all respect!
- Japanese have advantage in learning Chinese language because of similar writing
- Japanese are unconfident when in front of westeners
- Chinese feel unforgivenable towards Japanese unhuman behavior during their occupation of China
- Chinese attitudes towards Japanese are influenced by the fact that sincere confess not been done

- Soviet Union used to be “big brother” of China, had similar system. Chinese can understand Russia’s difficult situation but feel themselves lucky to have done reform earlier and are now a few steps further economically
- Elder Chinese people still have feelings about Russian culture in 50s
- There are many Chinese who have learnt Russian language
- New generation of Chinese don’t care about Russians, seeing them economically behind
- Some Russians work at China’s service business: physical outlook
- Beijing has Russian blocks but its reputation is “no-dignity”
- China and Russia has deep roots of barter trade: payments in consumer goods

- Because of general situation in India, huge amount of Indian poverty makes Chinese feel that India is behind in many ways
- Because of religions, India is not as "integrated" as China
- That is why Indians are sometimes looked down and not taken seriously
- Indians have convenience in co-operating with Western countries because of their English language capabilities
- India is further ahead of China in software development
- Materialistically India is backwarded
- Chinese don’t feel any kind of hatred towards Indians
- Indians are natural-born competitors for China
- Indians might be cunning and not-trustworthy in business

- Overall felt to be backwarded and uncivilized
- There is a little racism inside common, non-educated Chinese against the black people. Those Chinese who have been in touch with better educated black people from U.S. and other developed countries, accept them better


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